8 Best Breakfast Foods For Digestive Health
Food & drink

8 Best Breakfast Foods For Digestive Health

Breakfast is a very important meal because it is the first meal of the day to help you energize for the whole day. However, when it comes to breakfast, most of us are not sure where to start and what foods are healthy and healthy to choose from. Read our article today to know what are the best breakfast foods for digestive health.

8 Best breakfast foods for digestive health

Eating breakfast regularly serves as one of the best solutions for digestive problems. It also helps regulate your diet. Here are some of the best breakfast foods for digestive health.


One of the best ways to start your day is with oatmeal. Oatmeal has many benefits for your muscles including supporting your heart health and gut health. Oats are a prebiotic food, which means they help provide probiotics, the good bacteria in our gut. Oats are also one of the highest sources of beta-glucan, a type of fermentable soluble fiber. Fiber helps a healthy variety of bacteria grow and can support immunity. Oats also help lower cholesterol, control blood sugar and keep you full for longer. Oats can be left overnight and enjoyed hot or cold depending on personal preference. Oats can also be added to smoothies, pancakes, muffins, and homemade granola for a more varied breakfast meal.



A smoothie or protein shake can be a high-protein breakfast option that will keep you satisfied, and full, and help stabilize blood sugar. Consuming this nutritious and delicious drink regularly for breakfast has many health benefits. It contains carbs and protein that help boost your energy levels to perform daily activities. Since fruit is a good source of fiber, drinking a smoothie will improve your digestive system. It will help maintain digestive metabolism as well as improve peristaltic movement.


To make a smoothie that’s good for your gut, incorporate as many plant-based foods and protein-rich ingredients (fruits, vegetables, beans, seeds, whole grains) as possible. One of the largest studies to date on the human microbiome has found that consuming 30 different plant-based foods per week can help you have a healthy sugar microbiome. more diverse and healthier gut, according to a May 2018 study in mSystems. As a side note, when making your own smoothie at home or buying one, avoid smoothies that are packed with ingredients like juice, frozen yogurt, and sweetened milk, as these are often high in sugar. Smoothies are one of the best breakfast foods for digestive health.


A cup of yogurt in the morning gives your gut a boost of healthy bacteria, namely Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. These live bacteria or probiotics can have a positive effect on our health, especially the digestive system. Plus, Yogurt not only contains a good balance of protein and carbohydrates but also contains probiotics.

According to experts, probiotics are extremely beneficial bacteria and are also extremely important when eaten to contribute to a strong microbiome. They help flush out toxins and are good food for natural detox. Yogurt helps keep your stomach feeling full even after breakfast and is good for your digestive health. If you want to double your protein intake, choose Greek yogurt. The vitamin and mineral content of your breakfast can be increased by adding fruit or chia seeds as a topping to Greek yogurt.



Even though asparagus might not often be eaten for breakfast, it is included because of how many prebiotics it contains. Prebiotics are bacteria’s food, whereas probiotics are healthy bacteria. Prebiotics are crucial to include in your breakfast since they give the bacteria in your gut sustenance, according to the dietitian. There are countless types of healthy bacteria that we cannot obtain through probiotics; instead, we must ‘feed’ them prebiotics in order for them to flourish inside of us.



The next best breakfast foods for digestive health is the apple. Apple is very good for health because it is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium. Apples contain dietary fiber that helps with constipation problems, helps lower cholesterol, and also maintains a healthy digestive system. It also contains malic acid which is beneficial for your digestive system as well as your liver and brain.

Not only that, but apples also have pectin as well as polyphenols, a type of phytochemical that is extremely good for the gut. Polyphenols are antioxidants that help reduce inflammation in the body and also act as prebiotics, feeding gut bacteria. Apples are easy to buy and can be eaten right away without any preparation. You can eat apples in the form of juice, apple pie, or even a fruit salad.



Flaxseeds have become more well-known in recent years, and for good reason: they are a nutrient-rich diet. Two grams of protein, three grams of fiber, and 2.3 grams of omega-3 fatty acids are all present in one tablespoon. What does this signify for the health of the gut? The insoluble fiber included in flaxseeds, which are regarded as a prebiotic diet, has natural laxative properties. Numerous morning foods, such as oatmeal, overnight oats, smoothies, oat muffins, yogurt, and cereals, are simple to flavor with flaxseeds.



Beans may not be your typical breakfast, but they’re a great way to start your day and a great gut-healthy breakfast. According to previous studies, beans are a type of soluble fiber that is digested slowly to increase satiety. Beans are extremely easy to cook, so you can freely create dishes with them. For instance, add black beans to your breakfast hash, cannellini beans to your toast spread, or Great Northern beans to your fruit smoothie to make it creamier. They can be included in a black bean omelette as well!


Chia seeds

The last best breakfast foods for digestive health on this list are Chia seeds. Chia seeds are high in fiber and absorb water to form a gel, which will expand in your stomach and help you feel full throughout the day. Not only that, but chia seeds are also rich in protein, which slows down the emptying of the stomach. It also reduces levels of the hormone ghrelin, which is responsible for stimulating feelings of hunger. Mixing an ounce of chia seeds with a cup of yogurt and eating it for breakfast is one of the perfect options for digestive problems.

best breakfast foods for digestive health

Why you should not skip Breakfast?

Skipping breakfast will throw off your body’s overall eating rhythm. After you wake up in the morning, the blood sugar your body needs to make your muscles and brain work properly often seems low. A healthy breakfast helps solve this problem and energizes your body and brain after a night of fasting. If your body doesn’t get that fuel from food, you’re more likely to eat more later in the day. Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t skip breakfast:

  • Eating a healthy breakfast helps to increase concentration and work more efficiently.
  • Breakfast provides energy to help sustain the whole body throughout the day.
  • Eating breakfast regularly helps maintain a healthy weight.
  • Skipping breakfast increases the risk of obesity, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases.

In conclusion, Because it creates the majority of the neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) and accounts for around 80% of our immune system, our digestive system, commonly known as the gut, is crucial to our health. It is crucial to nourish your gut with a diet high in fiber, as the microbiome depends on it, as well as a variety of vitamins and minerals that assist the gut to stay healthy all year long. Our article has listed 8 types of best breakfast foods for digestive health. Hope it will be useful and be the choice for your regular breakfast.

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